Monday, January 26, 2009

Who Are You God?

Who are you God?

Life, they say has three facets,
Past, present and future.
One could either be embitter by the past, or
Build up by it in the present for a brighter and better tomorrow.

It seems easy to take life at ease,
When everything seem to go well.
But life, as it always is, has the unsure unseen path to it,
And tough is life when one is face with it.

Take God out of life’s trouble,
And you find no reason to wade through it.
Life’s problems they say,
Are God’s opportunities!

What shall we do then?
How shall we then live?
Do we understand all of our past?
Do we even understand our present?

Thanks be to God who knows our past,
Our present and our future.
And because He knows our past, present and future,
We can trust Him with our past, our present and our unseen tomorrows.

1 comment:

  1. How comforting to know that my life is secure because every minute detail of my life is within His knowledge.
